I wonder what makes stars twinkle…
The clear night sky promising everything…
Filled with celestial fire…
Like molten steel fresh from the furnace waiting for the blacksmith.
Is it such a great secret?
How to embody this light…
Yes, we all have our own universe inside ourselves…
All we need do is shade and ink.
With its fingers long and delicate…
A touch as light as a thought…
Whispering there is no such thing as an ending…
And to never be ashamed of the tears in your eyes.
Waking to a new dawn, promising even more…
A beautiful archipelago of blues and greens…
Rich and deep…
Giving us freely the minutes to dismantle the hours.
So, please join me in my journey of earth, wind and sky…
You only need to bring yourself…
Let’s listen to the slosh, slosh, slosh of the waves…
And fall in love with who we are again.
I love you,