Haters are everywhere…
Talking rather than feeling…
They come from every direction…
I find it best to simply step out of their way.
I’d rather feel your warmth next to me…
Watch the squirrels snacking on acorns (and pounce if they get too close…)
Shape the event as it comes my way…
Rather than living in a place with no sea, and no sky.
I can get lost in the changing light and floating days…
My butler reading me a picture book…
Anything made with loving hands…
You know, all the things that the trees, long ago, have figured out.
To me, all those hard opinions are like stinky Boar’s breath…
Like space too tight for me to roll over…
I like, much more, to be fully myself…
And to be fully present.
You know that each day, an important meeting is scheduled…
She waits patiently for you to attend…
It happens right after the fog diffuses…
Yes, the game is still on.
Have fun playing!
I love you,