Be patient…

Be patient…
The universe hands out wisdom slowly…
Some in whispered remarks…
Some through peels of laughter.
This whole world belongs to you…
So, what if most of it is covered with dirt…
Don’t you just love the constant variety and surprise?
All the living creatures joining together.
Today, my ears are flicked back and waiting…
For something white and beautiful…
I’m listening for the rustling of halos…
All the things I need to romanticize.
Oh, what needless pain we bear (famous hymn…)
Thinking that this world is just a ball of hard, blackened flint…
Thinking that we are just crooked pieces of earth…
Basing our days on the latest moves on the stock exchange.
But that’s okay, just change the channel…
You never need to apologize to nature…
She understands that you are one of Her own…
You can rise each day, like the birds rising in the sky…
Knowing that She is a part of each and every one of us.
I love you,

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