In my world everything has the shape of a donut…
That’s why I cradle it carefully, so it doesn’t crumble…
On off days it all looks like a chicken salad sandwich…
Oh, how I love the soft middle part.
I guess that’s why I have a flabby midriff…
Fold upon fold upon fold…
Too many donuts and chicken salad sandwiches…
My favorite is the cruller.
I treat this very seriously, because…
I have to be so careful in magical places…
There’s no room for cranky and intolerant behavior…
I need to let those fly-away thoughts fly away…
And lay down in the soft, rich, plushness.
So what does this all mean for you?
Life is calling you with a thousand glorious voices…
Donuts waiting, fresh from the oven…
Everything In a fervor of excitement…
Just waiting for you to take a bite.
Look into my sad-looking brown eyes (I’m not sad, I just came out this way…)
Your eyes, like mine, can see the shapes of donuts…
They are there each day wanting you to eat them up…
Try the cruller, it’s my favorite!
Start seeing things my way!
I love you,