Hey Charlie! (Charlie is the big blue Heron by my home in San Diego…)

Hey Charlie! (Charlie is the big blue Heron by my home in San Diego…)
Charlie was dangling over a soup bowl of minnows…
I can always find Charlie; he Just hangs out in the same place everyday.

Hey Annie, your turn to start the conversation or is it mine?
Let’s see today it is Tuesday, so it’s yours.

You know Annie, I’m fascinated with humans…
They all seem to like me…
Most with cameras or brushes in their hands…
But those with scowls are like aliens from another world.

I’m so confused by all their yelling…
Confused by their pushing about…
Confused by their lack of self-awareness…
Confused by their anger.

He continued:

It’s time for those humans to go shopping in our favorite store…
Where, hope is still in stock…
Love is on aisle seven…
Forgiveness on aisle ten.

Yeah, I answered:

Those folks need to give all of their problems a different name…
And recognize them as we do as Angels…
I guess we are just going to have remind them everyday of how beautiful they are.

You ready Charlie…
You ready Annie…

I love you,

Annie and Charlie

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