Did you know that you are one of a kind?

Did you know that you are one of a kind?
There is no one in the universe exactly like you…
You feel all your own feelings…
And follow, in your own way, the turning of the master’s wheel.

People recognize themselves in you…
You being kind of a “How to” manual…
They follow your sense of compassion and kindness…
Your hands reaching out to the poor.

You are like a meteor…
Trailing your light against darkened skies…
The heavens rejoicing to see your light…
Still warm from the sun.

So, why can’t you see this?
That you have been made in the image of love itself…
Made with surgical precision…
Why is the only person who can’t see your beauty is yourself?

So spread your wings and fly…
Become that magnificent eagle…
Take the dust sheeting off your heart…
And soar, this world needs you up there!

I love you,


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