Did you know that you can give another person purpose?

Did you know that you can give another person purpose?
Unchain them from their terror?
Fix their busted hinges?
And watch their door to life swing wide open?

Yes, you can release them into a land of poetry, nature, and unending art…
You can be their shelter from this malevolent world…
Bring them into the same joyful place where you dwell…
A place where they feel safe and no longer afraid.

Sometimes it takes just a feather to knock someone down…
A sharp tone, a thoughtless reply…
Off balance they live in the same city, but a different planet…
You can bring them home!

But you must take the first step…
Blunt the edge of your voice…
Touch, only touch…
And then watch their fear in their eyes melt away.

Then you will be fused together like welded steel…
You can walk hand in hand…
Just remember the way that another touched you…
And gave you purpose.

I love you,


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