Please watch my video. You’ll have to wait a little for the action.

Please watch my video. You’ll have to wait a little for the action.

Today, lets applaud one another…
Let the music of our hands (and paws) climb…
Throw away those low and somber notes…
And live in the spirit of play.

Let’s let every new word begin with a smile…
Be utterly uninterested in gossip…
Live with fluid and endless tumbling…
Like children in harmony with the universe.

Let’s write a funny story…
Become, in some degree famous…
Be like homecoming royalty…
Yep, anything we want to be.

Let’s find our way into the tiny cracks of this world…
You know, where the blue/gray light beams go…
Graduate from one beautiful scene to the next…
Into that place where we never want to go home.

Let’s find once again that deep appreciation of beauty…
Everything enlightened by the rising sun…
Write our names in the sand…
And watch them flow through the rivulets back to the sea.

I love you,


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