Listen, listen, as those around you speak…
Their soft words sound almost like poetry…
Sometimes pointed, but never piercing (Lao…)
That’s just the way soft words are.
They are so different from words pressing an opinion…
Loud words are like a Corgi on a pair of stilts…
They look down and snicker at everything below…
Feeling so much more important than the crowd they have made faceless.
Yes, softness is radiant but not blinding (Lao…)
Offering unfiltered amazement…
Making the neighborhood come alive…
With so many beautiful vistas that the camera is confused at which way to point.
Soft words are the key to discover how big your neighborhood really is…
No longer making us look for the doorway out…
Like a surprise that should no longer surprise you…
Giving you the best part of your time.
You know, sometimes a seed waits quietly in the ground for decades…
Then bursts into life…
Let your soft words wait no longer…
The world needs more poets.
I love you,