My life’s work is listening…
That’s why I’m so wise…
Like, I’ve learned that there are no individuals in a forest…
Each tree is connected and depends on one another.
I’ve learned that a crow will never keep a secret…
They will blab everything both good and bad…
They will warn of approaching danger…
Or go crazy cawing to let everyone know that you found a special snack.
I’ve learned that there is no such thing as a direct path…
The greatest art, to the lazy eye is unsophisticated…
The greatest wisdom comes out of littlest creatures (like me…)
And to find the real light I have to follow the hazy patches of dark.
A prickly bush is the best place to scratch my back (never a cactus, never again!)
That there are few things as beautiful as a flowering magnolia…
And that a walk in the woods…
Is much better than playing a video game in my pajamas (I have a special controller.)
Each morning, I reaffirm my love of listening…
If I forget, I cannot hear the music…
But when I do, I grow eagle’s wings…
It’s really pretty cool.
Do you want to take flight today? Stay close to me.
I love you,