Did you know that I’m the richest pup in the world?
I have more than Bezos, Ellison and Musk combined…
I have so much, I could never spend it all…
It’s all in the details.
First, I have You my friend…
You are my cake full of candles…
A love that I can always fan back into a flame…
Because you and I are endlessly renewed.
Next, I have been blessed with inexhaustible compassion…
For myself and also for this world…
It allows me to see everything like a garden…
Each individual with its own special behavior…
A place where all life’s poop turns back into life.
I don’t need to constantly scrub to be clean (I always smell like a daisy…)
Or dodge my own shadow…
You can easily see how rich I am…
Just look at my velvet shoes.
Then there is my butler…
She exists only to take care of me…
She throws the ball and my floppy ears dance…
My world is solid and full.
Yours can be too if you let it.
I love you,