This isn’t my true size…
Really, I’m ten times bigger than a rhinoceros…
But maybe we should leave this here, unexamined…
Lest I return to the short-legged version.
I ponder, as I watch the morning sun devour the fog…
Ok, I’ve decided! There!!!
My life is more than little droplets filling up a bottle!
My life is the burst of color that can be seen all the way to the sea!
Yep, I see myself as perfect…
Even with all my imperfections (imperfections can be perfect too…)
What’s wrong with that way of thinking?
Isn’t that how grand legends are made?
How else could I stare down Misty the Doberman…
Absorb your pain when you’re sick…
Bark, ferociously at the sky…
And demand a deeper, denser blue.
So, how big are you today?
It may be time for you to take control of that argument…
To me, you are a giant among the orchards…
So, what if there’s a few wormy apples (yum).
Now go out there and stare down that Doberman!
I love you,